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The Re-Patterning Project
TRRP: Orientation & Support
TRRP: Coursework
Week 1: Understanding How Our Patterns Form and Why We Get Stuck In Them (201:02)
Week 2: Undoing Societal Programming and How "Law of Attraction" Really Works (And How It Intersects with Systemic Oppression) (189:14)
Week 3: Trauma Responses: Here's Some of the Unconscious Stuff You May Have Been Doing, Tag Yourself (139:52)
Week 4: How to Stop Doing All That and Do Something Better and Healthier, Slowly, with Self-Compassion for When You Inevitably Slip Up (212:18)
Week 5: Relationships, Attachment Styles, and Using the Mirror of Polarity for Self-Awareness and Growth (174:53)
Week 6: Integration and Expansion - Controlling the Speed of Your Journey for Sustainable Change (Plus - Is It Spiritual Growth Or Are You Being A Jerk?) (177:55)
Week 7: Now That You're Unstuck, What Do You Wanna Create? Finding Your Soul Mission and Hacking Your Flow State (180:58)
Week 8: Foundations for a New Future: Putting Legs Under Your Creativity and Building a Life Doing What You Love (168:03)
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Week 2: Undoing Societal Programming and How "Law of Attraction" Really Works (And How It Intersects with Systemic Oppression)
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